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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week 2 & slacking off

So, 2 weeks in & I think I am doing OK.  I will admit I am in the process of slacking off for several days in a row. The last time I used the treadmill was Wednesday (Its also when I stopped the Burpee Challenge).  The reasoning for the break was the reason I started this endeavor - I'm old, or getting older.  This weekend I turned 40.  Part of the celebrating meant not being at home & trying to relax and NOT working out.

I knew going in to this I'd be taking this time off, but it will be one of only a couple anomalies where I dont workout for several days over the course of the coming year. (And at 4 days in a row, the longest) .

As such, on Monday it begins again.  Although I will most likely not make up the Burpee Challenge days I missed, I will pick up from what my current number should be and doing more exercising. Like trying to figure out a way to do the 'Hobie Hop' with out hurting myself.

On a plus note I have made progress, Pants that were 'comfortable' as a Large are now a slightly snug Medium.  And since July 1, if the scale is to be believed I have lost 3 lbs.

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