Spartan Races to come

Spartan Races to come
Upcoming races

Monday, July 30, 2012

30 days

333 days 14 hours and 9 minutes.  That is what I have left.

Time seems to be passing much faster than I'd like to get ready for this event.

In some respects things are going very well. In 30 days I have been on the treadmill 20 of them. I logged over 49 miles, representing just under 7100 calories burned in 11 hours & 24 minutes.  All are good numbers.  Even today I did my longest run 4.66 miles in 60 minutes. Still I have concerns.

I need to work on upper body more than I do, and I intend to, but not quite yet.

First I think I need to get my diet in order.  And I hate that. 
I really want to lose weight, but I also dont want to give up food I like. Sure the reason I got here was every day burgers, large fries, sodas & foot long subs. And I have cut that down, but still I have not made the progress I would have liked to with my weight. My weight last week was 191, higher than when I started all this July 1. So a little depressing.  Sure one could say I am building muscle. Although I doubt really I have put on that much of it.

No, I think it is still my diet.  I came across two different articles this week, both basically saying the same thing. You cant work off bad diet.

That is a depressing concept.  Even though I am working out, and eating at least OK, I am still taking in too much soda & chips & other 'bad' foods so I am having a negative impact.

August, with some exceptions (like a trip & a wedding), will be spent doing what I am doing now exercise wise but also attempting to get my calorie consumption in a bit more order.  Hopefully it helps, so I can move on to more upper body strength, and then w/ the cooler weather combining it all in one program so I can achieve my goal of beating the spartan beast in June.

333 days 13 hours and 55 minutes. 


  1. Hey Joe - Check out Devil Dash ---->

    Mud Blood Beer + Cheer!

    1. I have that on the list of upcoming events in AZ. And I am intrigued by it. But right now I am supposed to be volunteering at a zombie themed event obstacle race that same day ( If we don't hear back from that group I intend to stop by as it does sound fun.
